Tuesday, September 23

ACE 2014 Is Behind Us

The third year of ACE saw it move to a larger section of the civic center and double in size. There were seventy-five artist tables, a huge increase from last year. I've attended all three years, and this was again well-attended and well-shopped. People brought their folding money, and God love you all. [blows kiss].

I was lucky enough to sit next to Jason Bowers and Kyle Huynh, my talented neighbors from HeroesCon 2013, and near Day of the Doodles and Jeremy Dale. Con neighbors can be anyone, and this gang ensured the day would be enjoyable even if attendance was middling.

But it very wasn't. It was a packed day that flew by. It felt like cleared off  the table an hour after I set it up. Busy busy busy. I again made sketches on the back of my business cards and found success with a larger 8.5 x 5.5 commissions.

The Hulk-Elsa print went over well, and I sold some of my trades. A little of everything, really. Can't ask for more. I had good reactions for the teaser art for next year's Unearthly, and there'll be more of that here as we move forward, and I added two new images to the Gallery of Doom at Cooking With Villainy!

The oddest commission request was for myself as Littlefinger based on my DragonCon costume. But hey, I had reference pictures.

Thanks as always to the Comic Envy staff and the ACE volunteers for throwing such a fun wing-ding. Of course I'll be there again next year.

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