Monday, April 3

The 80s X-Men Daily Art Project: X-Men 163

Technically I joined the X-Men right after Rogue. The first X-Men book I bought off the shelf was 173, the issue where Rogue and Wolverine stand between Silver Samurai and the poisoned X-Men. Also Storm goes Punk. Also, Maddy meets the X-Men. A lot happens in those issues. Here's my post where I recreated the cover.

As I pursued daily art for the year, I was inspired to look back at those issues, and I rediscovered how packed to the gills they are with action, heartbreak, and oh that delicious internal angst. I decided to draw material from those issues for my daily art -- reliving my childhood love of the franchise and making love-letters to them.

It really starts here, with X-Men 163. Loyal readers know how devoted I am to Carol Danvers.

Binary (later Captain Marvel in Marvel) debuts and arrives to help Kitty in X-Men.

 And we'll go from there.

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