Tuesday, June 30


I need to level up my coloring skills, and specifically, I need to get better at brush options to for textures.

I drew Dazzler after sketching up some poses, then I scanned in the pencils instead of inking on the page. I did all the finishing in Photoshop.

I normally digital ink and color in Illustrator, so this was a big learning curve. They both allow layers which is essential for color control, but I find the line control better in Illustrator.

I went through a number of Kyle T. Webster brushes in Photoshop to work up the lighting effects. I wanted lots of blues and yellows to reflect her 1980s outfit.

Saturday, June 27

Marrying Is Half the Battle

For Mother's Day, my wife, The Countess, wanted a pole chain saw to prune with. OK, I said. This is not a surprise to me or anyone who knows her. She's a tomboy, a term that's faded alongside our limited notions of skill sets and expectations. The world spins a little slower since March, so we have lots of time to beat back the treeline.

Based on a photo of her posing proudly with her new gagdet, I worked up a classic '80s GI Joe card for her. I decided to try to paint it, if you'll pardon the term, in Photoshop.

Monday, June 1

Zorii Bliss

Love that costume and helmet. Hope we can see more of her in future Star Wars shows.

This was done with PITT pens, Sharpies, and Spectrum Noir markers.