Tuesday, April 25

X-Men Daily Art: X-Men 193



X-Men 192 was set up to be a special issue, as it had been 100 issues since the title was relaunched, bringing in Nightcrawler, Storm, Wolverine, and Colossus. And there was one other, Thunderbird, an Apache mutant who died in their first mission. This issue sees his brother lure the team to the site of his death for revenge. He has his chance to kill Xavier but he can't do it. He's no killer. The team lets him go, and the issue ends with everyone where they were before. Eh.
But in a fight with armored soldiers, Colossus asks Rogue for a Fastball Special, where a strong person, usually him, throws someone, usually Wolverine, at the bad guys. Imagine someone throwing six angry Canadian knives at you. This is Rogue's first shot at it, and she launches the giant Russian into the response team. I love the Fastball Special. I love that the team has a move like that and a name for it.
This was also the first Rogue costume that had a green layer off the shoulder on a black leotard. Variations of that were THE Rogue look until she got the green and yellow bodysuit.
Also Kitty is wearing a Zorro mask for some reason. They didn't know what to do with her look for years. Or her hero name. Sprite. Ariel. And then in her mini with Wolverine, she became Shadowcat, which was picked up for a species in A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones.

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